Hello From MaibelleSoul

Hello Bloggers,

I am happy to say I'm blogging about anything that comes to my mind, Relationships, movies, music, Problems, etc. If you would like you can ask me for advice because i do give advice as well. Thank you very much. XoXo

With Love,

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Boho bedding...

I actuall like this one a lot <3...

 and this one...

 and this one ;-D.....


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Free of Cruelty.2

I thought to myself today and I said "today is such a beautiful day". Well, in my last post I stated that i was a pescetarian or something like that. Well, I've been a vegetarian for about a year now and it has been so great. On tumblr I saw this thing about vegans and I was amazed. I really strive to be a vegan one day wheather anyone likes it or not. The main reason is that if being a vegetarian can make me feel this good...I couldn't imagine what being a vegan might do to me.Especially since the the people in my school are slowly trying to watch what they eat due to health issues.

Here's my big issue about this though, not becoming a vegan but the people who look at you differently just because you want to be a  vegan. They say things like "vegans can't eat anything" or "i couldn't do". This makes me laugh because they're the ones that probably didn't even try to be a vegetarian once in their lifetime. I don't care what anyone says but what ever they think is best is their own opinion. My opinion is a plant based diet is better for health, and the animals.

Oh yea, I was wearing this really comfortable sweater today and something told me to look at the tag and so i did. 80% LAMBS WOOL!!!. Omg! I was so upset with myself and my mom since she knows i'm trying to become a vegan. It's not her fault though.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Free of Cruelty.

I remember when I was younger I use to eat a lot of junk like chips, cookies, candy, anything that look like it was good. My mom used to always tell me to not eat all this stuff because it was bad for my health. I was naive at the time. I would look at my dad and go see what kind of new sweets he had brought home for us. As usual mom wouldn't eat and i would eat it and dad would too. Then I gained some weight from that and I thought it was nothing so I did nothing but shrug it off. Then I said to my mom years later that I wanted to lose weight. She said she would help me and she did. I beleive it was in florida when I started becoming a little health consience about the food i was eating so my change of diet went up and down like a roller coaster. I went from not eating pork, to not eating beef, to eating pork again, then eating beef again, then i decided to be a pescetarian (  only eat fish,vegetables, fruits, legumes) to just not eating meat at all. I basically became a vegetarian. I never thought I would do it but it just happened without me really knowing. now I just love it. I continued to look up information about being a vegetarian and the cruelty of animals. I've learned so many things I've never knew. What really got me was this documentary called "Earthlings". I couldn't beleive my eyes and ears. I sheded so many tears at night before i went to bed. So I can gratefully thank a lot of things that got me to the position that I want to be at. One day I plan to become a strict Vegan. I don't care if anybody says they can't do it because they like their meat. I don't care as long as that meat is not touching my plate or going down my throat. It's my decision and I make my own rules.

                                                                                                                With love <3,